Back to School
Well it is hard to believe that it is the eve of the beginning of the school year for 2010. It really seems like we were just breaking up for Christmas. While we had cousin Meghan visiting, we put all back to school preparations on hold so it has been a bit of a mad rush in the last 5 days to make sure everything was ready. Today the shed became the PERFECT place for covering this lovely stack of Text Books. On the right is the pile for Number 1 Son who commences his final year of High School (HS): Only 5 subjects this year....but a lot more pressure. The middle pile belongs to Number 2 Son who is entering Year 10 and the tallest pile on the left belongs to my baby girl who joins her brothers at HS this year. WHEN did I get old enough to have 1 child working and 3 in HS?????!!!???? Sigh.....trying not to think about it. I have spent this evening giving the Shed a good tidy. (While I watch the Men's Final of the Australian Open) I have to teach my first class for the year on Thursday evening and I need to get the lesson ready! So a nice tidy work area is essential. Not sure I am entirely ready for the year proper to start.....but it will start tomorrow whether I am ready or not. I hope that once all regular activities kick in I will be able to remember to blog.....give me a kick up the butt if I don't.BFN
You got "this old" while you were living life. The years slip by quickly, but look at the alternative to getting old. Being over 30 bothered me. But when I reached 40 I realized that each year is just a milestone in a wonderful journey. --And the longer the trip, the more delightful places I get to visit along the way.
and when did I get old enough to have a son turning 35 this year????? That is half way through his allotted span - I remember his father getting all angsty when he turned 35...
eeek! you are old Bozzy.. just like me! LOL I have the BEAST ( aka Darcy ds) in Year 11, Fred (aka Morgan ds) in Year 9 and Miss Smelly (aka Miss Lara dd) in year 8.. when did I get old? is this why I have grey hair???
who is having a ZERO birthday this year...
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