Sunday, 8 June 2008

Birthday Sewing

I have had my 2 nieces for the weekend to give my DS a bit of a break (she still has the 2 boys at home). They were actually supposed to stay 1 night, and it turned into 2 and then as it is a long weekend, it quickly turned into 3. They are a busy pair and like to be "doing" all the time, so by this afternoon they had pretty much "done" everything in the house. So we decided to make mummy (my Sister) some calico shopping bags for her birthday tomorrow! I have just bought in some Fabrico Markers, and before I list them in the shop I want to give them a good trial run. The girls where more than happy to oblige, so while I stitched up the handles, they decorated. (and in case you are wondering, that is a doily in the little ones hair!)

We had to iron them to set the ink, and then after dinner I stitched them up. So here they are, excited to show you the finished product. (and yes a new hair decoration to go with the PJ's. They were both very patient while I stitched and in fact have been very good al weekend. I cant really take any of the credit, it is very helpful to have a house full of my own children, they adore their older cousins and I end up having to do very little.

I will let you know how the Fabrico markers go, the plan is they shouldn't wash out. Don't want to tell people they wont until I KNOW that they wont. LOL



Dana said...

Fabulous bags!

I'm going to look for the movies you suggested on my blog. Shamefully I haven't heard of them.

Lindi said...

The bags look great! Well done girls.